Will probably fly tomorrow, 29 days after egg laid.
(p.s. It did. Was ready to go by 7am - released into the warm morning sunshine)
Photo by Keith Balmer
... but the cup mark can sometimes be severely reduced on Azure, as this individual shows:
Also got a nice Large Skipper:... which turned out to be almost a mirror image of my previous best Large Skip shot, in an identical pose on the same leaf (Bramble?) but facing left.
...and a female Meadow Brown. These always seem to look out-of-focus - I think they just have a blurry wing pattern. The previous weekend I spent a Sunday of reasonable weather checking Wilstead Wood for (non-present and probably long locally extinct) Wood White, and Tiddenfoot for (again absent) Downy Emerald, but got a pair of Common Blue Damsels in cop:
Orange-tailed (Synanthedon andrenaeformis) also from my garden 15.06.09
Red tipped (Synanthedon formicaeformis) from beside River Ivel Navigation, Clifton