I took this on 14/6/10 at the Lodge hoping it might be a Larch Ladybird, but I'm pretty sure it's not. An id still eludes me, perhaps one of the leaf beetles - can anybody help? It's small, about 5-6mm.
Expert concensus from various sources: Isomira murina - thanks to all.
This is Isomira murina, a member of the Tenebrionidae (det: P.Kirby)
Isomira semiflava looks like an even better match with darker pronotum, but is it a UK species?
Various experts have concurred with Isomira murina. A lot of internet images labelled as that species seem to show the pronotum more brown than black, which suggests they have been misidentified. Apparently I.murina almost always has black pronotum.
I didn't know about this bug.
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