Sunday, 30 March 2008

A sunny Sunday on Cooper's Hill. (30th March)

This spider-hunting wasp (probably Anoplius viaticus) was searching through the heather...

A Small Tortoiseshell was feeding on sap oozing from the stump of a silver birch felled last Tuesday during a work-party...

No Green Tiger beetles were seen on Tuesday, but there were plenty there today...

A Common Lizard was basking beneath heather. Stealth allowed a close approach...

This tiny spider (only a few mms log) was crawling on a conifer trunk...

Pictures posted by Keith Balmer

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Comma at Stewartby Lake 1st March 2008

This Comma was sunning itself out of the wind by the Marston corner of Stewartby Lake, photo by Martin Green.