Sunday, 22 July 2012

Purple Emperor

It's only taken me four years to seen one of these things on the ground at Chicksands.  Purple Emperor, Chicksands Wood, 22nd July 2012. (ps not a bad photo considering it was taken using my phone!)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Black beetle duo

Beetles are a species group that I know little about, other than the well-known and more distinctive species (partly because I have not really looked much). Here are two black ones that I have come across, one I recognised and one I don't...

Minotaur Beetle found in Rowney Warren at the end of April while unsuccessfully searching for potential Firecrest, Woodlark and Tree Pipit in what looked like suitable habitat. First I had seen.

UnID beetle from my garden moth trap, 28th June, Thanks to replies received, seems to be Nicrophorus humator which I have had in the garden twice before but previously looked longer than this. Seem to remember the previous one being a bit smelly as well...

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Horned Leafhopper (Ledra aurita) - our largest leafhopper at c.15mm (5p) - The Lodge 2/7/2012  at TL187479. Not often seen because of damn good camouflage!