Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Leafhopper - Ledra aurita

The very distinctive and large leafhopper Ledra aurita from my Luton garden this week. A new one for me... long jump estimated at just short of one metre on a level table !

Friday, 7 August 2015

Nothochrysa capitata - out of the pot

Nothochrysa capitata                        photo: Melissa Banthorpe

To add to Andy Grimsey's earlier post, a pic of N.capitata out of the pot. I can confirm it is new for the county.Well done to Andy for finding it.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Black Lacewing - Nothochrysa capitata

This large black lacewing was on top of my moth trap early morning on Tuesday 4th August and identified from web resource. It is now with our county recorder, Melissa, and I am advised it is a first for county. Apologies for the in-the-pot photo as I did not dare let it out, presume Melissa can capture something better. It seems to be a distinctive beastie so not easy to overlook by the curious garden naturalist...